Member Registration

Member Registration

Membership Level change

You have selected the Active Membership level.

Active Members include doctors with a Bachelor of Medicine including, but not restricted to, neurologists, pain specialists, anaesthetists, neurosurgeons and general practitioners; or scientific researchers in the field of headache with a PhD.

$75.00 per Year to ANZHS only. ANZHS membership incurs 10% GST for Australian residents.

Membership expires on January 10, 2026.

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Australian Residents

Your current Active ANZHS membership can be upgraded to Combined Membership (ANZHS & IHS) level.

This membership includes the IHS Standard Online Membership at a reduced price of $125 and the ANZHS Active Membership at $50
(or $55 including GST if an Australian resident), totalling $175 (or $180 if GST applicable).

The IHS Standard Online Membership does not include printed copies of Cephalalgia, so please contact IHS directly if you require a
Print Membership at their usual rate for this level of membership.

Select preferred membership plan below:-

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Payment Information We accept all major credit cards

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