For Patients

For Patients

Directory of Clinicians with an interest in headache, in Australia and New Zealand

Our directory contains a list of clinician members of ANZHS throughout Australia and New Zealand.  The list is searchable and can be filtered by location.

ANZHS Diary Annual & ANZHS Diary Monthly

Headache Diaries are a helpful tool for both you and your doctor to better understand how your headaches impact your life, as well as your response to treatment. This includes both how you respond to preventative therapies designed to reduce your overall headache severity and frequency, as well as how effective your acute headache treatment is in aborting your headaches. By keeping a diary you will help your doctor better adjust your treatment plan to reduce the impact of headache on your life. Two forms of diary are provided below.
Please print out whichever you feel will suit you best, complete it and take it to your medical appointment.

Preparing for your Medical Appointment

It is very helpful to your doctor if you can give them some information about previous investigations and treatments for your headache. This form is designed to help you prepare a summary of previous medications and investigations that have been done for your headaches. It will help them make better choices about how to help your headaches, as well as understanding what investigations have been done in the past.

Please print out this form and complete as much as you can prior to your appointment. Your pharmacist or GP may be able to assist with the list of previous medications trialled if you are unsure.

Lifestyle Management for Headache

For people with migraine, there are many aspects of daily life that can impact on your headaches. The information sheet below provides some information about aspects of daily living that may impact on your headache frequency and severity. It is not intended to be a proscriptive list, rather a guide to some aspects of daily life to consider which may help reduce your headache frequency and severity.
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